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They've become the first franchisees to break through the £200,000 in a single month barrier in the brand’s history. The couple, who opened their Abingdon-based showroom four years ago, had set the previous monthly record of £187,000 back in September 2011.

Those aren’t the only records that the Hurleys have shattered. During the aforementioned month of September 2011, the pair delivered no less than £69,000 in a single day, which is a record that still stands. In addition to all that, last year they became the first Dream Doors franchisees to record more than a million pounds in annual sales.

June's £214,000 takes Dream Doors Oxford to almost three-quarters-of-a-million pounds sold in just over six months and, says owner Mike, there's plenty more yet to come in. “I actually quoted for a quarter-of-a-million pounds in June, of which we signed £95,000, with the rest coming from appointments made in previous months. We've got more than £150,000 of quotes still out there and, with such a good proposition, incredible products and a quality service, I know a large proportion of those will turn into sales. Consumer confidence is definitely returning. People are willing to invest in their property, they're not worried about redundancy any more and I really do believe we're clear of the recession now.”

Franchise Support Manager, Bryn Jones, who helped train the Hurleys almost five years ago, commented: “Lots of people ask me why Dream Doors Oxford is so successful and the reason, ultimately, is that it is down to Mike and Elaine themselves. They really put in the hours and deserve all the success they've achieved. Since joining us they've committed to £3,500 of advertising every month, and they monitor every enquiry and sale to ensure their advertising spend isn't wasted.

“Dream Doors has 55 franchisees around the country, so clearly the model works,” Bryn added. “But what separates some franchisees, like Mike and Elaine, from others is their application and efforts. It's nothing complicated, though. It's just passion, drive and enthusiasm. And a lot of hard work!”


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