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The Leaps and Bounds franchise package starts from around £7,500, which includes designated territory, training and equipment.

Designed by Tumble Tots (UK) Limited, Leaps and Bounds is structured to give pre-school children the chance to enjoy the benefits of physical play while keeping in line with the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage (QCA, DfES) and Guidelines in the Birth to three Matters (Sure Start, DfES). As well as this the programme has been awarded the PDB Kitemark and has been designed in consultation with Patricia Maude MBE, Homerton College, University of Cambridge.

'Movement play provides access to both gross and fine motor functioning, so important for motor development and for becoming physically literate,' says Patricia Maude, consultant on design of Leaps and Bounds programme. 'For young children, the most important medium for movement is play. The Leaps and Bounds programme provides a structured framework for play, with progressions built into each activity.'


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