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Organic upholstery cleaning franchise Safeclean has recruited five new UKfranchise owners this year, after experiencing a surge in franchise queries due to the recession and the introduction of its new support initiatives.The new recruits are Brian James, Wales, Kevin Lane, South East London and Ian Duncan, Bournemouth, Kieran Fleming, Oldham and Michael Tweed, Luton.

Paul Fennell Franchise Manager for Safeclean says: "2009 has been a yearof solid growth for Safeclean. With five new franchise owners onboard, wenow have 67 franchised businesses operating across the UK and are keen tocontinue expanding. Our priority locations include the East Midlands andScotland. Ideally, prospective franchise owners should be hard working,focused and willing to follow our proven business model.

"Safeclean franchise owners continue to experience a steady stream ofbusiness despite the recession, as customers favour having their carpets,curtains and upholstery professionally cleaned over replacing them becauseit is more cost effective. In fact, 80 per cent of their business isthrough repeat custom or customer referrals.

"Safeclean has improved its support package so that head office is able tohelp franchise owners maintain steady growth over the term of theirfranchise agreements by freeing up their time to focus on marketing theirservices in their designated territories. Safeclean has introduced acentralised marketing campaign, where head office contacts nationalaccount clients such as Guardsman Protection Plan Customers directly,saving the franchise owners' time and money.

"In terms of branding, we now offer an advert design service. Thisinitiative ensures the brand image and message remain consistent across thenetwork, again saving the franchise owners' time and money as we are ableto produce adverts to their specifications as part of the ongoingmanagement service fee."


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