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Snack-in-the-Box (SITB) Limited recently held a series of Franchise Conferences, for franchise owners. The conferences were in Bury, Reading, Glasgow and Dublin, and were a huge success with over 95 per cent attendance from its franchise owners.

The conference’s, which were titled ‘Working Together’, were designed to share the strategy for SITB with its franchise owners. This involved areas of communication, new SITB franchise packages and some exciting new product launches that were made available to franchise owners.

Sean Cleveland, Sales Director for Snack-in-the-Box, said: “I fully endorse the idea of annual conferences, it enables us as a franchisor to bring together our entire network and gives us a platform to communicate with them as a group. It is so important that our franchise owners understand where the company stands strategically and what role they have to play in this. The conferences also enabled our franchise owners time to network with one another during the ‘break out’ periods, which enable them to share experiences and ideas.”

Such was the success of the conferences it is planned to run next year’s in a two-day format in one central venue over a Friday and Saturday.


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