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January saw the British Franchise Association publish its 22nd annualsurvey. The number of commercial failures fell to the lowest recorded in the history of the survey, highlighting franchising as a safe route to settingup your own business. One month later, Domino's Pizza UK & IRL plcPreliminary Results revealed a system sales increase of 15.1% to £200.7m, 50stores opened and no store closures in 2005.

Research from Domino's Pizza and The Future Foundation in February predictedthat the convenience and takeaway market will grow by 70% from 2005 to 2015.This is due to increased trust in online purchasing, the introduction of newe-commerce platforms, mounting consumer time pressures and the popularity ofat-home leisure activities. The first Simpsons product, The Ay CarumbaFajita Pizza also hit the ovens.

Things heated up in May during the World Cup when Domino's Pizza launchedtheir advertising featuring footie star Michael Owen.

In June Pali Grewal from Andover became the UK and Ireland's Fastest PizzaMaker. He beat the previous world record of 1.09 minutes by making threeperfect pizzas in an amazing 1.06 minutes!

Domino's Pizza UK & IRL plc announced its interim results in July revealingthat profit before tax increased 24.5% to £6.3m with e-commerce nowrepresenting 12.3% of its delivered pizza sales in the UK.

Meanwhile, research by Domino's Pizza and the Make Your Mark Campaign inSeptember revealed that the business world is discouraging more young peoplefrom starting up their own enterprises by using jargon. Eighty five per centof the 18 to 30 year olds surveyed said that learning more about the successstories of enterprising young people would inspire them to set up their ownbusiness.

In October Antony Tagliamonti, a 27-year old who started out as a Domino'spizza delivery driver, became the youngest 'Franchisee of the Year' in thehistory of the awards. The following month, Domino's Pizza was named ChainPizza Delivery Operator of the Year and Overall Operator of the Year at thePizza Pasta and Italian Food Association's Awards.

In November Domino's announced its new charities of choice, Special OlympicsGreat Britain and Special Olympics Ireland, which provide year round sporttraining and competition for people with learning disabilities.

Domino's local store owners provided some festive cheer for people wantingto earn some cash in the run up to Christmas by announcing the creation of800 temporary positions in total.


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