The Franchise Magazine profiles many of the franchise opportunities available in the UK today. Find out more information about the sector you're interested in below.
Accounting Franchise
Agriculture Franchise
Automotive and Car Franchise
Beverage Franchise
Business To Business
Cafe and Coffee Franchise
Care Franchise
Chemical Franchise
Children and Babies Franchise
Cleaning Franchise
Communications Franchise
Computer Franchise
Construction Franchise
Consultancy Franchise
Customisation Franchise
Dating Franchise
Delivery Franchise
Distribution Franchise
Education and Training Franchise
Electrical Franchise
Entertainment Franchise
Environmental Franchise
Estate Agents Franchise
Fashion Franchise
Financial Franchise
Food Franchise
Footwear Franchise
Franchise Consultants
Garden Franchise
Hair and Beauty Franchise
Health Franchise
Hire/Rental Franchise
Horticulture Franchise
Hotel Franchise
Indoor Property Services Franchise
Internet Franchise
Legal Franchise
Luxury Franchise
Manufacturing Franchise
Outdoor Property Franchise
Personal Franchise
Pest Control Franchise
Pet Franchise
Petrol Station Franchise
Photography Franchise
Print and Design Franchise
Promotional Franchise
Recruitment Franchise
Repair and Maintenance Franchise
Retail Franchise
Safety Franchise
Sales Franchise
Security Franchise
Service Franchise
Signs Franchise
Sport Franchise
Storage Franchise
Supplies Franchise
Travel Franchise
Used Goods Franchise
Yachting and Marine
Vending Franchise