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With the ever-increasing need for small and medium sized businesses to target their market locally, Adivo has developed the first purpose-built software package for creating eye-catching features and advertisements in a ready to publish format.

This means franchisees can save both time and money for clients by producing, proofing and publishing articles in Adivo's magazine Your Choice on their behalf. The magazine is then distributed door-to-door within selected demographic areas of 10,000 plus households each month.

Adivo has also added TV and radio advertising and production to its ever-growing arsenal of business services. 'Historically, television has been incorrectly feared as an expensive and risky advertising medium,' comments Director Tony Tyler. 'In today's market it is a cost-effective and formidable marketing tool and can be made available on almost any budget. Such a superb advertising device should not be disregarded by any business.'

Adivo franchisees now have the capability to offer clients affordable, broadcast-ready television commercials, radio, print and e-marketing. Adivo's strong relationship with all the major broadcasters - including all ITV channels, Channel 4, E4 and More4, channel five, skymedia and UKTV - allows them to 'buy' smaller campaign contracts. This means franchisees can assemble low-risk, introductory contracts for their members.

'We now offer a comprehensive mix of marketing and advertising options to our members,' Tony furthers. 'Without a shadow of a doubt, we can offer the most cost-effective marketing campaigns available across all types of media. For our franchisees, this can only mean success, as we are quickly cornering the media advertising and marketing marketplace.'


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