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Franchisors are invited to attend a free franchise event that is taking place in the Dominican Republic in early March 2011.

The UK Trade and Investment will pay for the airfare and accommodation costs for five individuals attending the event if they are representing a franchise keen to expand their brand into the Dominican Republic. Two spaces have already been taken so interested franchisors are advised to respond quickly to secure the last three places.

At the event attendees will meet with key individuals from various Dominican Republic business organisations, as well as representatives from the British Chamber of Commerce and the British Embassy.

The Dominican Republic has a good record of importing franchises and brands from the US, Spain, Italy and France have already established their presence on the island. Some of the franchises that have successfully expanded across the Dominican Republic include Domino’s Pizza, Taco Bell and Louis Vuitton.

For further information and to book a place contact Marisa on 01603 620 301.


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