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Auditel has recently hosted its 12th Supplier Exhibition at the Trent Vineyard Conference Centre in Nottingham.

This year’s exhibition had the theme ‘Increasing Value’ and Auditel, which provides a cost, purchase and supplier management service, partnered with a number of companies for the event including EDF Energy, Inenco Direct, The National Association of Commercial Finance Brokers and NatWest Mentor.

Chris Allison, Auditel’s Management Director, said: “On the eve of winning the bfa HSBC Franchisor of the Year 2012 Award for Outstanding Franchisee Support, we had another achievement! The conference was our most successful and a bigger and better event than ever before.

“Thirty-five market leaders presented their unique offerings to our largest ever gathering of cost, purchase and supplier management specialists under one roof. We were delighted to see so many new faces. This demonstrated how Auditel’s unique Total Cost of Purchase model has created the need for an ever-broadening range of products and services.”


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