The company has been piloting the innovative system that has been developed by a panel of experts: Nicky Robertson (an ex-BBC camera woman and director); Oliver Plucktose and Andrew Whiteley (both website designers); and Sue Ayton (Managing Director of Ayton Global Research).
Sue says: 'When I first realised the global potential for my business I wanted to ensure that all franchisees had an entertaining and homogenous training experience. I now want to ensure that staff training never becomes an obstacle for franchisees. I also wanted to minimise the work involved in coordinating training and assessments and the distribution of training material. And more importantly I want to ensure that franchisees became 'qualified' to work within my company. While we place extremely high emphasis on personal contact and mentor support, we also recognise the need to embrace technology and allow new comers immediate access to training without placing heavy time-constraints upon the franchisors. The Cyber Teacher is an excellent solution to rapidly changing training needs and we are pleased to say that our own staff are now being trained on this system successfully. It truly is a God-send.'
Published: 5 September 2008
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