Franchise owners from around the country joined Babyprints Founders Colin and Lynsey Hart at their home in Hertfordshire for a barbeque. The event enabled the 14 franchisees and their families to meet for the first time and share work techniques and marketing ideas.
'It was a relaxing way to swap ideas,' said Lisa Haycock, Potters Bar franchisee. 'Being self-employed is not as daunting when you know you have access to a network of people in the same boat as you.'
Jo Mundell, Cheshire franchisee, agreed: 'Both my husband and I came away feeling very upbeat, motivated and inspired and our kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves.'Many of the new franchisees are mums who want to run a flexible business so family time is not compromised. This is one of the core values of Babyprints.
'It is amazing how quickly the Babyprint's brand has grown in just 12 months,' adds Colin. 'Bringing everyone together has generated a lot of exciting ideas - both for new products and for marketing. We had a lot of fun and look forward to making this get-together an annual event. We want to have a Babyprints business in all regions of the UK making it accessible to most parents.'
Published: 24 November 2005
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