The Bluebird Franchise Owner of the Year Award winner for 2010 has been announced as Sue Milakovic, who opened her Stafford-based franchise just six months ago. Milakovic, who’s care workers carry out 1000 visits a week to older and vulnerable people, has created 28 jobs in Stafford and has seen her new business enjoy remarkable growth in record time.
Milakovic and her husband, John, have played a special role in the Bluebird Care success story, as they were the company’s first franchise owners when they launched their Cannock, West Midlands office in April 2007. Now Bluebird has grown to 96 offices across the UK and Ireland.
The Milakovic’s Cannock office proved a major business success, prompting the couple to open a second office in Stafford, with one of their original care workers, Allen Willey, appointed Care Manager. Sue Milakovic said: “The scale of demand for our care at home services in Stafford has been incredibly encouraging. The business continues to grow as Bluebird Care becomes more widely known in the area creating even more job opportunities for local people.
“We have found that there is considerable interest in our domestic and shopping services as well as personal care and assistance with medication. It is a privilege to be able to offer local people good old fashioned service and make their lives easier and more enjoyable.”
Paul Tarsey, Bluebird Care’s Managing Director, added: “Bluebird Care has come a long way in four short years and Sue and John have been with us all the way. They were our first franchise owners and the Cannock office was so new, that I went and did the care induction training myself! They are both a credit to Bluebird Care and to make a success of their second office, in such a short time, is truly phenomenal.”
Published: 18 November 2010
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