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Bookkeeping Express, a USA-based franchise that provides bookkeeping services to small and medium sized businesses, is looking to expand into 400 new territories across the US. The company, which has been franchising for two years, already has 16 franchised offices and two company owned locations.

Greg Jones, CEO of Bookkeeping Express, said: 'I am amazed at the response from the franchising community. We are growing rapidly with entrepreneurs who recognise, just as we did, that there is widespread unmet demand for certified bookkeeping services in every US market.'

Bookkeeping franchise owners come from a variety of backgrounds including corporate executives, CPAs and banking executives. The company offers a proven business model that includes ongoing IT, marketing and operations support.

Gregg added: 'Getting into franchising is a viable option for those leaving or forced out of the corporate world. Most of the franchise investors we meet with are seeking to fulfil their entrepreneurial spirit but don't want to do it alone, and that is one of the major benefits of franchising.'


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