UK domestic cleaning franchise Time for You is set to establish its first international operations, with Shropshire franchisees Karen and Peter Williams moving their operation into Portugal and Spain."Our frequent trips to Europe, and the research we've done have made a strong case for the establishment of an organised and managed cleaning service in Europe," says Peter. "There are a significant number of ex-pats living in Spain and Portugal, and people living in these areas need a reliable cleaning service, with dedicated cleaners they can trust, hired through an established, well known and respected company. All our UK cleaners are security checked and interviewed in person, to ensure that they are suitable and we will be continuing that practice in our new businesses."
Adds Karen: "Although living in the sun is a dream for many people, getting used to the reality can be difficult. For people who have worked for their whole lives, getting used to a lifestyle change, or relocating can take some adjustment and many people feel that they need to keep busy, or need to secure an income to fulfil their relocation dreams.
"Running a Time for You franchise is the perfect opportunity for ex-pats who are not quite ready or able to retire yet. A franchise allows you to build your business at your own pace, and with the support of head office to encourage and help you."
Published: 8 June 2006
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