The franchise owners of one of Card Connections' largest territories have increased their sales by 20 per cent in the last year. Andy Thompson, who owns the Sunderland, Berwick and Durham Card Connection territory with his wife Vicki, put their success down to: 'a sustained team effort to bring on new retail customers.
"By making a name for ourselves, through word of mouth and networking, we have been introduced to local shop managers, owners and even some store area managers, which has helped extend our customer base. In addition, we aim to follow-up the convert leads provided by Card Connection's head office within 24 hours."
Andrew Cutler, Sales and Franchise Director of Card Connection, said: "Since joining Card Connection in 2004, Andy and Vicki developed their area and within three years had doubled the size of their franchise to become one of Card Connection's first Platinum franchise owners. This means they run one of our largest franchises. However, they have continued to grow their business significantly and now work with more than 300 retailers supplying Card Connection greeting cards. Despite challenging economic times, they have seen growth by 20 per cent compared with last year and have recently recorded their best ever month."
Published: 12 August 2009
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