New Card Connection franchise owner Ratna Sivaganesh has taken over the franchise’s Aylesbury and Amersham territory.
Sivaganesh, who runs the franchise with his wife, supplies Card Connection’s extensive range of quality greeting cards and gifts to around 160 retailers in the region.
Michael Johnson, Managing Director at Card Connection, said: “We are delighted that Ratna Sivaganesh has decided to take advantage of the important business opportunity that owning a Card Connection franchise provides. Ratna’s previous experience as a Spar supermarket manager makes him ideally places to run a successful franchise, as he understands the needs of consumers and can bring this knowledge to a range of retail outlets, to help them optimise the sales of greeting cards.”
Sivaganesh added: “I first heard about Card Connection when I managed the Spar outlet. I was impressed by the quality of the products and at the same time was keen to run my own business. Therefore, when the area became available, I jumped at the chance to buy the franchise, which now allows me to supply the leading products in the marketplace. I know from my experience as retail manager the greeting cards sell really well and the huge range of more than 1,500 cards, constantly being updated by Card Connection’s in-house design department, ensures I can always create a fresh, new look for displays to keep consumers interested.
“The head office staff have been particularly supportive to ensure my franchise has got up and running quickly. This was important, as I am already keen to expand. There is plenty of opportunity to grow the business and I know my Card Connection franchise manager will help me realise these future plans.”
Published: 23 May 2012
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