The franchise owner of Cash Generator Burton is celebrating five years of successful trading. Phil Watson first opened his Burton Cash Generator store in March 2004, initially starting off with a team of three that has now doubled in size to six employees.
Phil says: 'I would like to thank all of our customers for their support over the last five years. Without the support of our loyal customers we wouldn't be here today and I am extremely grateful for their continued support.
'It is a fantastic milestone to have reached and I am proud of the team for their consistent hard work and dedication. We are very much looking forward to reaching a decade of service.'
Julian Urry, Managing Director of Cash Generator, adds: 'I would like to congratulate Phil and his team for reaching this exciting milestone and wish them all the best for the future.'
Cash Generator is a buy, sell and loan store that offers top quality selection of pre-owned, brand new and graded items for sales as well as cash for goods and a host of financial services. The company was founded in 1994 and has over 85 locations across England, Scotland and Wales.
Published: 10 March 2009
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