Automotive franchise ChipsAway International is reporting a Summer in which it has received an unprecedented level of calls from customers. In July alone the SMART (Small to Medium Area Repair Technology) repair provider's National Call Centre distributed over 11,000 leads to its nationwide network of over 350 franchise owners - a figure substantially higher than for the same period last year.
"Last month's figures are the latest in a strong growth curve since the beginning of this year," confirmed ChipsAway Chief Executive Lloyd Evans. "During 2008 we passed £11 million worth of potential new business opportunities to our franchise network and in the first half of 2009 we have seen like for like figures increase by over 70 per cent, which is phenomenal!"
Lloyd correlates the strong interest in ChipsAway repairs to the turbulence in the new car industry. Previously motorists have replaced their cars on average every three years, while during the current climate it seems many prefer to invest in maintaining their existing vehicles instead.
He adds that ChipsAway's new TV commercial has had a tremendous effect even though it has only been on air since the end of June. "As well as being aired to millions across a range of digital channels, it has also been launched on various websites such as YouTube, with an astonishing response. The success of the recently launched national advertising campaign as a whole, and its impact on leads to the network, couldn't have come at a more important time - we are delighted!"
Published: 2 October 2009
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