FDS North's Franchise Recruitment Manager Gill O'Brien has lost 21 and a half pounds in three months while following a tailored diet plan created by weight management franchise, Dietcare.
Dietcare offered Gill the opportunity to trial the diet in order to understand the business concept and shift any unwanted pounds in the process. As the Franchise Recruitment Manager at FDS North, Gill has a professional relationship with Dietcare and her role is to help the brand find quality prospects. Gill's diet advisor said: "When Gill enrolled, like most Dietcare slimmers, she had tried many other diet plans without much success. In the initial consultation, it became very clear that because of Gill's very busy lifestyle, she needed a personal plan, which would be easy for her to follow. We assessed her metabolic rate and found it to be very slow, which was one of the factors why Gill was not losing weight successfully.
"A personal metabolic rate diet was created, which consisted of real food and no gimmicks. This was easy for Gill to keep to, and resulted in her losing a substantial amount of weight each week. With one-to-one support, motivation and encouragement from Dietcare, plus the variety of diets now available, Gill will not get bored and will continue to lose weight every week until she reaches her ideal weight. Then she will progress to the maintenance plan, in order to keep the weight off permanently."
Gill continues to attend a 15-minute one-to-one consultation every Thursday morning where her progress is monitored and she has the opportunity to discuss any problems or queries she has."My diet advisor is always at the end of the phone if you have a bad day - in fact Dietcare encourage you to call during the week and all of the clinic staff are just as supportive," said Gill.
"I have not used any other weight loss companies because the thought of being weighed in front of people and treated as a number is a completely alien concept to me. Dietcare appealed because it is all one-to-one, so you can establish a relationship with your advisor and your medical background and personal issues are considered. The diet is easy to follow because it uses food you like eating and you can fit it in with any lifestyle. You never feel like you are missing out so if I want some chocolate or a glass of wine I have it. The only difficulty I have, is getting used to eating so much every day!
"I am amazed at the results I have achieved, and while I did put on a few pounds over the Christmas break, after a couple of weeks back on the healthy eating weight loss plan, the unwanted pounds have disappeared. This has spurred me on to set a new goal to lose another stone.
"I have recommended Dietcare to quite a few people already and would not hesitate recommending the brand to anyone."
Published: 18 March 2010
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