Business owners canmore directly reap the benefits of working hard and can often find a certainamount of flexibility away from the 9 to 5 office grind.
Many Domino's Pizza franchisees make a career and lifestyle change when theytake the decision to invest. Andy Cooke, Domino's Franchise Sales Manager,comments, 'Becoming a franchisee means putting in long hours and workinghard, especially in the first few years as the business becomes established.Many people who apply for a Domino's franchise are seeking not only a changein their work life, but also an adjustment to their lifestyle. This canoften arise due to a shift of life goals or personal situations.'
Pizza People
High-flier Astrid Patil (31) left her job as a solicitor at the beginning ofthe 2005 to follow her dream of becoming her own boss. Now a successfulfranchisee, Astrid relishes the challenge of running her own business andcites getting into work as one of the highlights of her day.
Just a year ago Astrid felt stuck on the office treadmill, with very littletime to enjoy life beyond work. However, after getting engaged in 2004,Astrid seized the moment and said 'yes' to another big decision - this timein her professional life. She comments, 'With my impending marriage andhopes for children in the near future, I felt that my career as a solicitorjust didn't fit into my life plan anymore. I was extremely busy and had toput up with weeks where I hardly saw my partner Anil. I needed to find ajob where I was in control of my working life, allowing us to spend moretime together.'
Astrid considered many options and, after much research and store visits,was inspired to invest in a Domino's Pizza franchise. Astrid says, 'I'm soglad that I made the leap of faith and I'm feeling more positive about thefuture than ever before. It's been hard work but I'm already beginning toreap the rewards - I feel like I'm in full control of my life and enjoy thedaily challenges that work brings. The feeling of real responsibility isunlike anything I have previously experienced.'
Astrid is currently focusing on getting the first store up and running,however after just four months in the job she is already making long-termplans and hopes to open a store a year over the next three years.
Published: 1 November 2005
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