Kitchen facelift franchise Dream Doors has increased its franchise fee by £4,000, a move the company reveals is designed to see its franchise owners through the economic downturn by investing in continued proactive marketing and even more start-up support. "We're giving our franchise owners much more than ever before - and the new price reflects that." said Dream Doors founder Troy Tappenden. "It's important to remember that you get what you pay for, and to get the best, sometimes you need to pay a little more.
"Dream Doors is a full member of the British Franchise Association (bfa), we won Brand Builder of the Year (in 2008) and, more recently, two franchise marketing awards. Rather than cut back on the services we offer in terms of advertising, head office support, training and brand development, we have chosen to put a price on the franchise that reflects our status in the industry.
"Reducing your fees might get the phone ringing in the short-term but what happens when the new price becomes the norm? Do you then give it away for free? We're in business for the long-term, and while times have been challenging for everyone lately, I refuse to lower my expectations for Dream Doors and will continue to support our franchise owners fully. I believe it is the training and marketing that has got us to where we are today. If the price has to go up and our recruitment slows down, so be it. But at least the franchise owners we do have will get the tools they need to trade successfully."
Dream Doors recently opened its 30th kitchen facelift showroom. Operations Director and bfa Regional Chair Kelly Chambers added: "What excites me most about this is knowing how far we've come in the last three years. The investment that has been put back into the business has been staggering, often to the detriment of our bottom line. We still don't make any money from our franchise fee, but we just about cover our costs and can continue to offer the same level of service our franchise owners, and customers, have come to expect."
PIC: (L-R) Steve Chambers (Manager of Dream Doors' three company-owned showrooms), Dream Doors Founder Troy Tappenden & Dream Doors Operations Director Kelly Chambers.
Published: 1 October 2009
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