'Running a business can be very difficult and I needed support to step up my game and increase the club's profitability,' says Jan. 'I searched the internet for franchise opportunities and discovered energie. Since my initial interview, my club has gone from strength to strength. It took me a few months to let go of my trading name but it was possibly the best thing I could have ever done.
'The energie Fitness for Women model is simple and easy to run with low overheads. It is also conveniently located in a business park where parking is free for my members. Women follow an effective 30 minuet circuit and energie is the only company in the area to offer empower, the six week results guaranteed programme. Empower is a fantastic tool which generates lots of interest and enables the ladies and staff to get to know each other well.
'My aims are to develop the club to its full potential. I have the luxury of space and I'm currently working with energie to come up with ideas to fill it, which allows members a wider choice of activity. Our goal is to give every customer 101 per cent of our knowledge, expertise and skills to help them achieve their goal.
'The team at energie are extremely professional, helpful and fun - they have mage a huge difference to my club and, in the first month of trading under energie, we had 56 new members. I'd definitely recommend anyone joining the energie network - they are UK based and understand the market. In the short time they have been trading, the energie team have made a massive impact on people's lives. I'm very proud to be part of it.'
Published: 18 January 2008
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