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The company uses a unique sourcing system, Commercial Brain, which has proved very successful and resulted in the need to make the system available to the wider advice network via franchising.

Marcus Grimshaw - Managing Partner, says: 'The lending market has changed so much in the last few months, professional advisers and clients alike are finding it harder to obtain lending facilities.

'Our own broker team has seen introductions increase drastically; an independent, impartial broker is needed now more than ever.

'Our sourcing system Commercial Brain has been invaluable in seeking out which lenders, in which sectors are actively looking for new business.

'The system is real time and web based and instantly sources across all UK lenders, high street, secondary, non-conforming and Sub prime.

'It is so important to move quickly in any market, especially with conditions as they are. We look after some of the UK's largest financial adviser networks; this has given our brokers influence and buying power with lenders.

'We have continually developed and improved our case tracking and sourcing systems. This has made us unique in this market and has led to superb introducer and client feedback.

'Although commercial lending is not currently regulated, we approach each client and deal as if it were. Know your client, and treat them fairly is key to our proposition.

'Having added full fee disclosure to our process, we are convinced this is right for the market and our introducers and, more importantly, it is the right thing to do for our clients.

'We welcome introducers and will continue to do so. I am also aware that professional accountants, financial advisers, commercial brokers and estate agents wish to offer a truly independent solution, but to date have not had the systems or processes to allow them to do this efficiently and compliantly. Now they have the vehicle to do so.

'We will build a network of professional commercial finance brokers around the UK.'


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