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English language school Wall Street Institute has continued its global expansion with the opening of five new centres in January. The company now has 436 centres located in 27 countries worldwide.

The new centres are located in China, Thailand, Italy and Turkey. China added a centre in the city of Hang Zhou, which is the third centre in this city. The addition of the Hang Zhou centre brings the total number of centres in China to 46.

WSI Thailand has also opened a new centre in the Fashion Island Mall in Bangkok. The centre opening party included a large fashion show that attracted thousands of visitors.

Two new centres were opened in Turkey and are located in the cities of Cayyolu and Beylilkduzu.

Wall Street Institute’s oldest operating country, Italy, added its 93rd centre in the northern city of Trento. With 93 centres, Italy has the most centres of any Wall Street Institute country around the world.

Christopher Eden, Wall Street Institute’s Vice President of International Development, said: “The new centre openings in January represent a clear signal that the ELT market is as healthy as ever and that Wall Street Institute is well poised to maintain and extend its leadership through aggressive centre development in existing and new markets.”


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