The Academy will be run by Lucy Child, BB's Coffee and Muffins Training Manager and it has a fully operational counter and kitchen set up, as well as class room facilities. Participants will be able to have a 'live' experience of making BB's signature freshly baked muffins and expert makers of BB's range of sandwiches and baguettes.
'We consider training to be of paramount importance and fundamental to the success of each business,' says Michele Young, Retail and Brands Director. 'The introduction of the BB's Training Academy program means that we now have a facility to bring together groups of new franchisees where we are able to deliver one message, more extensive training and thereby allow each franchisee to take away more information and knowledge about the company, our policies and procedures.
'Our franchise base is growing rapidly, especially as we have now introduced our UK franchising model into Ireland. At BB's we provide our new franchisees with a considerable amount of training and operational and management tools as well as on-going support to ensure they are successful from the start and achieve and maintain maximum productivity and profits.'
Published: 6 November 2007
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