The Creation Station franchise owner, Amrit Bedi, has won three major contracts to supply children’s creative activities in the Glasgow area.
Bedi has secured slots to provide sessions as part of the regular Sunday kids’ club at the Braehed Shopping Centre and separately at Scotland’s Theme Park, M&D’s, throughout the summer.
Prior to joining The Creation Station, Bedi was a maths teacher. She said: “I always used to get that Sunday night feeling before the working week. Now, I am a mum of three, I am lucky to enjoy running my part-time business, which fits perfectly around my family. Sometimes my children even come along to my regular activity classes too, which they love.
“To help me build my business further, it would be great to work alongside another local franchise owner, in the Edinburgh area for example. I know The Creation Station is looking for other mums to award a licence to in this region soon and so there could be an exciting opportunity to work with a like minded mum in the future.”
The Creation Station provides part-time franchise opportunities for those who want to achieve a flexible and rewarding work/life balance, delivering The Creation Station experience through Art and Craft Classes, Birthday Party and Event Entertainment.
Published: 17 May 2011
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