In order to enhance its franchise discovery seminars, which are sponsored by major bank franchise departments, Auditel has decided to feature a franchise owner in each presentation.
Laurence Knott, Auditel’s Head of Marketing, said: “We felt that it would be a good idea if we could provide an Auditel franchise owner who will present why they chose Auditel, how they have developed their business and take any questions relating to the opportunity itself.”
On 2nd March the Winchester with HSBC seminar will feature David Lowe. Lowe joined Auditel in 1995 and is its longest service franchise owner. His business experience covered over 25 years in a variety of management roles in manufacturing businesses up to Managing Director. In 2009, Lowe was given a special recognition award to acknowledge his long service to Auditel and his colleagues.
The 22nd March at IOD, 116 Pall Mall, London with Lloyds TSB, Peter Lawrence will be present. Lawrence joined Auditel in 2002 having spent the previous five years in IT Service sales. In 2009, he was nominated as The Auditel Franchisee of the Year.
On 24th March the Winchester with NatWest seminar will feature Mike Keig. Keig became a franchise owner in September 2002. He had spent 20 years in Sales Managing and General Management in the areas of high value manufacturing equipment and packaging.
The 31st March Winchester with HSBC seminar will again feature David Lowe.
Published: 1 March 2011
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