The franchise owner of Molly Maid Bath, Regina MacDonald, recently visited Monkton Combe Senior School to assist Year 11 pupils with their controlled GCSE Business Studies assessment.
Recognised as one of the top Molly Maid franchise owners who has achieved the highest sales growth for 2010 across the network, MacDonald was invited by the school to impart some valuable advice and guidance for running a successful business.
As part of the assessment, which accounts for 25 per cent of their overall Business Studies GCSE, over 30 pupils were asked to consider the most appropriate market research methods to identify the need for cleaning services in the Bath area. The pupils were also required to consider such aspects as a business plan and the breadth and depth of services offered.
With considerable business acumen, MacDonald was well placed to deliver a thought-provoking presentation on the domestic cleaning market and on the importance of a business and marketing plan. This was followed by a question and answer session.
MacDonald said: “I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the pupils of Monkton Combe School and was incredibly impressed with their level of interaction and their interest. It was a pleasure to be able to contribute to the community in this way, particularly with young people who are interested in business.”
Published: 5 January 2012
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