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One of the UK’s leading automotive paintwork repair specialists, ChipsAway, commissioned a national consumer survey, which confirmed a significant increase in awareness of the benefits of ‘on-the-spot’ car paintwork repairs and of the ChipsAway brand.

Key research findings, compared to results from a 2009 national consumer survey, included 60 per cent more respondents had heard of ‘on-the-spot’ car paintwork repairs, 30 per cent more recognised the ChipsAway brand and 50 per cent more respondents recognised ChipsAway than the second most recognised brand.

The research was based on face-to-face interviews conducted in seven different geographic regions from Edinburgh to Exeter, and results were compiled by an independent research consultant.

ChipsAway Chief Executive Lloyd Evans commented: “The results of the survey are fantastic and we are especially pleased that awareness of the ChipsAway brand has increased significantly since the introduction of the national advertising campaign. Overall leads to the network in 2010 were up by 25 per cent, with figures for the beginning of 2011 up by over 50 per cent compared to the same period last year.”

The survey confirmed that ChipsAway’s marketing campaign has impacted strongly on brand awareness among consumers and has clearly increased understanding of the nature of the repair service and strengthened ChipsAway position as a brand leader.


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