Kentucky Fried Chicken has unveiled a global redesign of its iconic brand logo, in which founder Col. Sanders replaces his white suit with a red apron. "This change gives us a chance not only to make sure we stay relevant but also communicates to customers the realness of Colonel Sanders and the fact that he was a chef," says Gregg Dedrick, President of KFC's US division. "Eventually this will make its way to every restaurant. Any new stores we build or any remodels that we make from here on out will include the new Colonel."
The change of logo is the fourth time the company has refreshed its brand in its 50 year history, and the first since 1997. All new store designs will include new graphics with the Kentucky Fried Chicken name, signs that read "Finger Lickin' Good" and "11 Secret Herbs and Spices".
The new logo will be part of a fresh store design implemented in new openings in the US and international stores, which will include warmer interior colours, open shop-style glass windows and a free digital jukebox.
Published: 20 November 2006
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