Mark and Pippa have already recruited a professional designer, which expands the breadth of services on offer from Kall Kwik Norwich and gives business customers amazing choice from high quality design services to outstanding print and copying. Motivated by the Kall Kwik networks aim of making clients 'look the business', the services on offer will give customers in the local area a one stop solution to their communication needs, from design right through to delivery.
Commenting on the launch, Mr Simpson said: 'I'm delighted to welcome a new business into my constituency. The Kall Kwik brand offers exciting services to Norwich's thriving business community in terms of quality design and print. Norwich also offers great potential for bright new business people and I wish all involved with this venture the very best of luck for the future.'
Speaking about their decision to open a Kall Kwik, Mark said: 'We're really excited to be opening a new business and offering clients value-added services. We've been through the extensive training with Kall Kwik and will be given plenty of support to help us. And to be in Norfolk, where most of our family and friends live, is an added bonus.'
Pippa added: 'We'll be working tirelessly to deliver an unbeatable service to our clients and at the same time build up a great team that's highly skilled so that we can broaden the services we can offer and provide better value.'
Mark and Pippa have 46 years of design and print experience between them, and believe that this knowledge will be an enormous advantage. 'With Norwich being a new location for Kall Kwik, we will be starting from scratch. We intend to build up the skills of the staff, improve relationships with our suppliers so that we can give clients even more choice,' added Mark.
Published: 26 July 2006
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