Two decades on, the franchise is operating in more than 168 territories across four countries, with 14,500 cleaners.A believer in any ethical business model that can generate a lifelong and passive income like his own, Hanrahan was interested to find out how PPP could help him use his assets in a more productive way. He met some of the team at a franchise show in September 2014 before deciding to get some more detailed information at a Discovery Day.He said: “During the Discovery Day I came to listen and be open to new ideas. I was a sceptic though and asked a number of probing questions. However, the PPP presenters addressed my concerns and opened my eyes to the fact I was not getting a good return on my present assets. Becoming a franchise partner with PPP is a belt and braces vehicle to growing a new property portfolio as well as helping me sweat my assets better than I do presently.“The business is closely aligned with Maid2Clean in that it achieves a long-term residual income whether you are physically present in the business or not. The added bonus with PPP is that this income is further supported by appreciating bricks and mortar and provides an additional business opportunity for my children in the future.”
Hanrahan intends initially to build a portfolio of up to ten Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in and around South Cheshire over the coming years, before deciding whether to grow the business further. Already a landlord of four single occupancy buy-to-let properties, Mike is looking forward to ‘plugging into the expertise’ offered by PPP and learning how to produce a significant and tangible return on investment.
He added: “There are significant pitfalls in property investment and I have no desire to fall foul of them. PPP will help me adhere to best practices, avoiding mistakes such as determining wrong locations and how to carry out best value refurbishments. I am also keen to learn how to engage properly with local authorities and optimise tenant management. Finally, I am looking forward to adding value to the PPP network where I can alongside providing input to the franchise operation in general.”
Published: 13 March 2015
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