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As Britain continues to recover from the torrential rain of early 2014, Mould Doctor business owners are flourishing as their services – the diagnosis and repair of domestic mould on properties – reach record levels of necessity.

Managing Director, Graham Stark, said: “Our business is directly linked to the weather. After three to six months of rain, lots of people’s houses will begin to show signs of mould.”The franchise package has recently been set up to facilitate the secure expansion of this intriguing business across the UK after incredible nationwide demand for its services through web leads in particular.

Stark continued: “Our major aim is to make sure that all of our first franchise owners are lasting ones. We are looking to recruit around three franchise owners in the first year and then five more every year after that. It is a case of getting good people in with the right attitude from the start – a case of more speed less haste.”

Register now to find out more about the Mould Doctor franchise opportunity.


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