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Used by celebrities and beauty editors, natural beauty retailer The Body Deli is looking for franchise owners to aids it expansion. The USA-based company is offering its franchise opportunity after enjoying over 35 per cent growth in 2009.

Roy Seaman, founder and Director of Franchise Development Services, said: "The Body Deli is one of the most exciting businesses that I have ever seen. Furthermore, there is a genuine potential for international franchise development."

The company's products have gained international acclaim and have attracted a celebrity following such as Alicia Silverstone, Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson and Robert Downy Jr. Beauty editors and celebrities are drawn to the brand because of its freshness, nutritional potency and positive results in delivering a healthier and more attractive complexion.

The Body Deli's gourmet body, facial, hair products and unique methods of preservation with a creative display for their products in refrigerated deli cases, personal mini-refrigerators for the bathroom, and shipping products on ice has carved a new path in the way consumers perceive the quality of their personal care products.

The highlight of the franchise opportunity is the unique upscale retail boutique that will be the marketing showcase for the company's products. Fresh, organic, nutritionally active face, body and hair products are displayed in an interactive educational presentation. This strategy will allow the company to take advantage of the explosive growth in demand for healthy and organic personal care products.


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