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Cost and purchase management franchise Auditel has recently trained a group of new franchise owners, ensuring that they have the skills and knowledge to launch successful franchises.

Among those in the training group were Adam Gillett and David Kendall (pictured) who had decided to set up a partnership in the West Midlands. Gillett is an experienced Internal Audit Manager and has a track record of ensuring relationships with suppliers are profitably and sustainably managed. He realised significant savings for former employers.

Kendall qualified as a Chartered Certified Accountant with the world’s largest accounting firm and has since held several corporate positions within a global top 50 company. His extensive experience and analytical skills, combined with his passion for effective cost management and efficient business controls, has already resulted in substantial savings for their growing client base.

Asked why they had decided on Auditel, Gillett said: “It was the best option for us from the relevant market and an appropriate handrail into the world of business ownership.” Kendall added: “We saw Auditel as a professional opportunity to run our own business while utilising our core skill base and expertise. The brand promotes an image, a model and values which I believe in.”

The partners were enthusiastic about their training. Gillett said: “A professional delivery with effective, engaging and practical exercises to use in the real world.” Kendall added: “Well-constructed both in terms of integrity, knowledge and in building confidence. Lively, fun and I’ve learnt loads in an enjoyable atmosphere, painlessly! It’s really fired me up.”

Edward Brewer, Auditel’s Franchise Development Director, said: “This was a fantastic group of people who conducted due diligence into the white-collar franchise marketplace before deciding to choose Auditel. We were delighted to train these new affiliates from a wide range of backgrounds – all of who bring a wealth of experience and talents to our network.”


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