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Franchisors are invited to attend a one day-seminar that aims to help them to better understand how to export by franchising.

The seminar is being held by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) and is aimed at business owners who have received international enquiries about their franchise opportunity but do not know how the should best respond to them. This seminar will explain the steps that are recommended by experienced International Franchise Consultants and case studies of companies that have benefited from exporting by franchising.

Exporting by franchising ensures that franchisors have the opportunity to choose an established organisation to represent their brand and systems in the target market. Those who attend the seminar will learn the essential criteria that is required before they put their package together and how the production of essential infrastructure can help to build a business with new revenue streams relating to Master Franchise fees, supply line profits and earn a Management Service fee based on the total turnover of overseas franchise operations.

Additionally the seminar will include:

  • Professional and impartial advice and guidance from UKTI’s regional trade team and others.
  • Help with developing a successful international strategy.
  • Advice on the different ways in which you can export by franchising.
  • Introduction to help and support provided by commercial specialists in the region and how the British Embassies’ Commercial departments around the world can also assist.
  • An outline of UKTI services available.


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