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With the Government’s sending cuts coming into force, many in the public sector are facing redundancy. Two of Auditel's latest franchise owners are former NHS workers who decided to take control of their careers by owning their own business.

Helen Spall joined Auditel, which provides a cost and purchase management service , in September 2010. Before joining Auditel she managed a variety of IT and systems related projects for the NHS. Spall said: “I had vowed that I would start my own business back in my teens, but only when the time was right. I was happy to be starting in a recession, because businesses launched then are often primed to take advantage of the upturn when it comes. I went to the Franchise Show at Excel. When I saw Auditel, I felt the skill match was perfect for me.”

Gary White (pictured) joined last month with a background of 15 years of experience in Information and Performance Management. He said: “I had begun to look for a franchise opportunity after reading an article in the national press and the seed began to grow in my mind. Some months later, with the oncoming threat of redundancy in the NHS, I began to seek options that matched well with my previous experience and skill set. I went to a number of discovery days with various franchises. I identified with Auditel and their business format. Support is ongoing and is always available at the end of a phone, be it head office or the wider network of affiliates.

“Being a franchise owner has cut my commuting time each week by 15 hours. I see more of my three-year-old daughter. I am basking in the autonomy of making decisions that I believe are in my business’ best interests. The effort that I put into this will be directly reflected in what I can earn. There is no longer a ceiling on my potential.”


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