Sports Xtra, a franchise that provides sports and fitness classes for children, has been chosen as a finalist for an enterprising business award. The Hertfordshire-based company has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Enterprising Business Category of the Federation of Small Business Hertfordshire Small Business Awards 2009.
Sports Xtra works closely with schools to engage children in physical activity and offer children the opportunity to enjoy sports in a range of different courses and activities. The company has a well established presence in Hertfordshire and in the last six months it has expanded its business into Northampton, Milton Keynes, Oxford and Swindon with a further three new offices scheduled to open in September.
Gareth Lippiatt, Managing Director of Sports Xtra, said: 'We are absolutely thrilled to reach the final for such a prestigious award. What is particularly pleasing is that as well as the positive work being done with the children in schools, Sports Xtra has now also been recognised for our outstanding achievements as a growing business. Whether we go on to win the award or not, my team thoroughly deserves this major achievement of reaching the final.'
The winner will be announced on the 18th June and will take away £1,000 as well as their permanent award.
Published: 17 June 2009
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