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Embra will handle the responsibilities of member recruitment, retention and engagement, working closely with the bfa’s head of operations, Pip Wilkins, and will bring with her a number of business skills that she has gained from previous roles with the healthcare software supplier iSoft and Barclaycard.

Embra spoke of her appointment: It’s great to be back at the bfa! I’m thrilled to be working closely with Pip once again and am looking forward to the challenge of both increasing our membership numbers and maximising current members’ benefits.With the economy showing early signs of the green shoots of recovery, it’s an exciting time to be a field-based representative of the Association and I can’t wait to get going. I relish meeting new businesses and hearing their stories, and am looking forward to helping them expand and succeed through ethical franchising, which has so much to offer to UK businesses.”

Wilkins commented: “We were delighted when Emily applied for the role as she always had a strong work ethic and was a very popular member of the team. Having spent some time away from the bfa gaining vital business experience, she brings with her the rounded skill set needed to push forward our plans for the future. I’ve no doubt she’ll become a popular and respected figure within the franchise community.”


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