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YogaBugs has provided mum of two with a new career after being made redundant from her job in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Zena Lauer previously worked in several areas of the pharmaceutical industry including in medical sales, clinical research and as a clinical team manager, before she was made redundant in 2008.

Zena said: "I originally saw YogaBugs on Dragon's Den when Nell and Lara, the founder and managing director of YogaBugs, were pitching their idea to the Dragons. I loved the concept then but didn't really think much more about it. I then saw the Dragon's Den re-visited programme a year later within which the presenter visited Nell and Lara to see what they were up to and when they mentioned franchising my ears pricked up. Then after being made redundant last year, I felt it was an omen and I quickly picked up the phone to Lara - the rest as they say is history."

YogaBugs provides yoga classes for children between 2-12, with different classes aimed at different aged groups. Zena commented: "Teaching children is a wonderful privilege and seeing them really enjoy themselves as we travel to the Moon or go on an Underwater adventure is enchanting and special. Children are very open minded and will have a go at anything - even those very shy children who often never put up their hand in class become a powerful roaring lion within our classes and this is a wonderful thing to observe. In addition those children who have additional needs are also amazing to work with as they come into themselves while in a class while building on their own self-confidence and self-esteem among other things."

A YogaBugs franchise can be operated from home, which keeps overheads low while providing a good work/life balance. Zena added: "I get to drop off and collect my children from nursery, something that wasn't always possible when I was in my previous role as my husband and I had to juggle our diaries. I go have to take calls on my day off with my children and recently witnessed my daughter mimicking me on her toy mobile phone, so she is quite aware of what I do. Having said that though - she also teaches her friends at nursery lots of YogaBugs moves and loves being the teacher!"


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