A restaurant/bar concept that has been operating in Spain for five years, Canas y Tapas has emerged as one of the most dynamic food and beverage concepts in Southern Europe today. With a distinctive style that enjoys universal popularity, Tapas y Canas combines traditional Spanish tapas recipes with the charm and spirit of Spain.
Canas y Tapas is poised to become a key brand in many international markets where enthusiastic customers will revel in authentic Spanish hospitality. The company is focusing its search for franchisees in the UK and Ireland during 2007, and is inviting corporate partners who have the necessary enthusiasm and resources to enter into discussions towards the granting of franchise rights for the development of Canas y Tapas in the UK. Canas Y Tapas Master Franchisees will enjoy the full benefit of the company's support in every aspect of the establishment of their local operations, and ongoing development of the business.
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