Summary of Operation: Llyods Pharmacy is Ireland’s leading pharmacy group with 73 stores across 15 counties. Our pharmacies offer patients and customers value for money, innovative products and services in modern customer focused pharmacy environments.
Ideal Franchise Owner Profile: Llyods looks for franchise partners with vision, courage and ambition. Owning a pharmacy is preferable however you don’t need to be a pharmacist to own or operate a pharmacy. Our franchise partners embrace customer service and strive to be relevant and compelling giving reasons to be and remain loyal Llyods customers.
Cost of Franchise: €250,000 + VAT
Year Company Established: 2001
Year of First Franchise Owner: 2012
Training Provided: Llyods advocates a minimum of 30 days training per year for franchise owners and their colleagues. Our training department provides training in the countdown to a store launch as well as ongoing training to improve store performance throughout the year.
Support Services Provided: Our Support Office is available to direct and franchise stores, it includes commercial departments such as operations, marketing and sales. Area management will support franchise owners and with ongoing communication and operational support it will enable franchise pharmacies to perform to their potential.
Please note that The Franchise Magazine does not recommend or endorse any opportunity featured on this site and suggests that you seek indepent financial advice before investing in any franchise or business opportunity.
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