Investment Required:
£29,500 + VAT
What did you do before franchising?
Richard: Over the past 15 years I have had a number of businesses in a range of different sectors.
Emily: I worked for the last 11 years for Northern Ireland’s leading cancer charity, Action Cancer. My role, as Health Promotion Manager involved strategically leading and developing the charity’s portfolio of Health Promotion services.
Why this sector? Did you have any reservations? If so, how did you overcome them?
Richard: When looking at the possibility of a family business, we had considered a number of different options and felt the franchise route would give us a quicker route to market in whichever sector we chose to go into. After doing some research, there was really no doubt in both our minds that the only choice we would be happy with would be Caremark, given the emphasis on care and not profit.
Emily: We are very involved in Social Action activities in our local community; the care sector therefore lends itself to our core values. We both felt there was a real need and opportunity to raise the bar in providing care in what is a growing marketplace.
What support/training did you receive from the franchisor? What on-going support do they provide?
Richard: Emily attended an intensive two-week residential course held at Caremark’s head office. The course really gave Emily the confidence and knowledge to implement the Caremark system successfully. Through our Regional Support Manager we have experienced great on-going support.
What are the challenges you face or have faced in this sector/industry? What are you enjoying the most?
Richard: Our business has got off to a great start and we are well ahead of our projected target. We put this down to the good foundations and market research that were laid at a very early stage – understanding your chosen market is key in any business.
Emily: We are enjoying implementing the Caremark process and seeing the rewards of following a great system, backed up by our great care and support team.
Describe your typical day
Emily: Our day starts at home getting our three young boys, ranging from ages one to eight, sorted for school or childcare. As our business is very young, we are very hands-on in the day-to-day operational side of the business. One of us is always home for the kids. We spend quality time with them and once they are all in bed, work starts again. Its very full on, but we are very happy to put the hours in to see our business grow and be successful.
Richard: Family is very important to us and we put great emphasis on spending time together.
What are your plans/goals for the future?
Richard: To continue to grow our Caremark business, while raising the bar in the quality and standard of care provided. We want to become, not only the care provider of choice, but also the employer of choice, as we recognise the importance of continuing to value and develop our Caremark team.