THE Minster franchise appealed to me because cleaning is an essential service that is not affected to any great extent by economic swings. I was also looking for a franchise that would utilise my management skills, which I gained from my previous occupation as a Works Manager for an Engineering Company.
Before launching my franchise in 1985 I received a comprehensive training package, which was provided at the Minster head office. Since the launch I have had regular updates on new developments that are relevant to the business. Additionally, help is always available by telephone or email.
Last year my Devon and Cornwall based franchise reached a turnover of £740,000, and I aim to continue to grow my business to a £1 million turnover. I have found that as my business has grown so have the rewards, both in terms of finance and lifestyle. One of the things that I really enjoy about running my own business is that I get to be in control of my own destiny.