After I was made redundant from three jobs in Advertising Sales in two years, I decided to take control of my future and invested in a franchise. I launched my Revive! Auto Innovations franchise in Surrey in October 2007 and already have a second van in operation and my first year projected turnover of £50,000 in sight.
My decision to invest in a franchise was based on the fact that franchises have a higher success rate than independently owned businesses. I was attracted to the concept of a SMART repair (small to medium area repair technique) franchise because it would allow me to escape the rat race and I believed I could make a successful business out of providing the paint repair service to both private and commercial clients in my area. Revive! appealed to my wife and I because the company had a professional image and offered a larger territory than rival SMART repair franchises.
The training programme and support package has been excellent. I entered the five week training programme as a man with little patience for DIY or knowledge of cars or running a business and walked out with a knowledge of cars and business and newfound confidence in my painting and repairing capabilities.
In terms of support head office is always at the other end of a phone and through the quarterly Regional Meetings and Annual Conference franchisees are able to get together and share advice. At the moment I work a six-day week and my wife takes care of the administration. The nice thing about working for myself is if I want to take an afternoon off to attend one of my children's sports days or visit my older child at university I can.
Over the next five years I plan to have six vans in operation so that I can focus on building up the business and utilise my 25 years of sales and marketing experience. With a less involved role I intend to hit the ski slopes on a more regular basis!