Following the International Franchise Expo in New York City, Professor Roy Seaman CFE, QFP, Managing Director, Franchise Development Services (FDS) and two of his colleagues met Fred DeLuca, President & Co-Founder of Subway at its headquarters in Milford, Connecticut.
FDS has worked with Subway since 1995 to help build its international franchise development through lead generation and brand awareness. Subway’s Chief Development Officer Don Fertman gave Roy Seaman, Michelle Seaman and Nick Williams a brief tour of the complex and introduced them to the Subway HQ team.
In a meeting with DeLuca, they discussed his business philosophy and how FDS can better assist Subway to achieve its development goals set forth in the 2015 Global Strategic Plan. Fertman also announced that Subway has now reached 37,000 locations worldwide.
Published: 16 July 2012
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